Пума Месси в прекрасном настроении. Бешеные игры - voxelo.us

Пума Месси в прекрасном настроении. Бешеные игры

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Пустая бутылка, как и коробка – это топ игрушка для Месси. А если это огромная бутылка..берегитесь)))

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  1. А зачем котика за хвост? Ну, Маша! Что за бесцеремонность? Мяу!

  2. 😍😂😂messi tan divertido 😂☺️☺️🤭🤭🤭☺️🥰😂😂😂😂😂🥰😂🥰😂🥰🥰😂😂😘🐱😘🐱😘🐱😘😘😘🐱😘😘🐱😘🐱😘🐱🐱😘🐱😘🐱🤗🐱🤗🐾
    messi mi Lindo gatito 🤭☺️😍🥰

  3. Папаня!!! Я мышицы хочу поразминать…пустая бутылка-это для бэби.Ты бы мне какого -нибудь завалящего бизона подкинул бы что ли….

  4. А глазюки шкодливые!!!!!

  5. Haha! Messi loves to play with plastic water bottles, doesn't he? He's such a funny, silly boy!

  6. I have never seen a Puma play so hard with a plastic water jug. She is so proud of her toy. What a cat. KW MT. 🇺🇸

  7. Wonderful video . Gerda and Messi are a gift to us humans. Thanks Gerda and Messi for sharing this world with us. Of course, you were both here longer
    than all of us. 🐱🐆😘

  8. Messi is having so much fun and we are all enjoying the fun. Love Marsha and Sasha for all the Amor 💘.

  9. Это мой мячик!!!😂❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋💋

  10. Сами научили с бутылками играть, а теперь отдай им! Щаззз…

  11. С Месси не заскучешься 😁💋🐅

  12. Па, я же первый взял. Значит, моя. Зачем отнимаешь?

  13. I need diapers from watching that crazy Messi. 😍🤩😘❤

  14. It’s official, no matter what size the cat they’re always happy with the most random things 😂

  15. Такой сладкий! Такие лапочки мягкущие!

  16. С чем опять воюет Месси?🤣

  17. Саша и Машенька, если вдруг прочитаете моё сообщение. Мэськи, судя по всему, понравилась больше бутылка с водой, наверное потому что она тяжелее. Может быть,к примеру, в пустую бутылку положить какие-нибудь камушки или железки и залить это монтажной пеной

  18. Вы ему даете неоднозначные правила- с одной стороны- нельзя!, и тут же разрешаете безобразничать, я помню как он вытащил кусок мяса из пакета и стал жрать , и вы не смогли ничего сделать потому что он вам дал знать очень серьезно , что он не шутит и готов отстаивать свой кусок мяса

  19. Ну кому интересна пустая бутылка? Полная намного интереснее.

  20. 😂👌🏼amo a la puma y a ustedes familia por lograr un resultado admirable en el comportamiento en la puma

  21. Messi gros bébé ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  22. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  23. Если уж забираешь, то забирай окончательно. А здесь обычнвя провокация…

  24. Мессюша настоящий месси

  25. I absolutely love Messi what good looking cat

  26. ❤все ок но… банка пустая! А пакеты С ПРОДУКТАМИ))))

  27. Меська- лучший футболист на свете

  28. Какой смешной кот 😂😂

  29. весеннее обострение без обяснений просто прет…)

  30. а что если ему дать сразу 20 банок)

  31. я поржал от души… ох и шкода кошачая… мордель наглая) я смотрю этот цирк уже несколько лет, ну наверно почти когда появился канал, так вот, пумыч очень вырос, мышцы прям выпирают, интелект. жопохитрый хвост)

  32. Sasha: Hey, what are you doing? Hello? I'm going to drink this. Messi starts his soccer practice.
    Sasha: Messi, Masha, he's gonna puncture it. Just look at that! Messi tackles the bottle again. Sasha: What a naughty boy! If you bite through it, I will bite through you too. Masha: It's happening. He's gonna puncture it for sure.
    Sasha runs over: What is HAPPENING? Give it back! Masha: That's one crazy cat.
    Sasha gives the bottle back to Messi: Ok, you can play with it until you're done, you naughty boy.
    Masha: Give him an empty one. Sasha: Ok, just give me a second, and I'll bring you an empty one. Messi attacks the bottle. Sasha: I said give me one second! At least, let me take off my shoes first. Masha: Otherwise, we'll have to go out again to get more water, Massyanya.
    Sasha brings another bottle: Look, this one is yours. Take this one. Masha as Messi: But I don't want this one. To Messi: What is it? You can play with the empty one. Messi runs around and accidentally knocks over the full one again. Masha: Hey, you there! Sasha from another room: Messi, I thought we had an agreement, and I naively trusted you. Messi looks confused. Masha: Messi is puzzled. Messi starts playing with the full bottle again. Sasha: Messi, you know full well that you're being naughty! Do you know it? Messi: wah…
    Both: So, it's a yes then? He leaves the full bottle alone and starts playing with the empty one. Sasha: Now, that's better.
    2:50 Sasha: Where's the bottle? Where's the cat's bottle? The next line is just rhyme-making 🙂
    3:17 Who's a naughty boy? (hooligan)
    3:40 Sasha: That's right, put it under the dry wall. Masha: Massyamba! Come out, come out. No, let me get the bottle. Sasha: We have to get one for Ichi too. Messi knocks over a bag.
    4:57 Sasha: Our groceries, our bottles! Speaks for Messi: Let's see what you got here.
    Masha: What is it, Masyanya? Sasha: He forgot what he wanted… Oh yeah, the bottle!
    5:25 Pick it up and carry it! Messi struggles but finally picks it up. Sasha: Atta boy, and his mighty teeth. Look at him carry his game. Where are you taking it?
    6:37 Masha: It's me, it's me, and I'm coming to get you! I'm coming for you! You're my kitty.
    Messi hugs the bottle. Both: Huggies! It's mine!
    Messi gets distracted. Sasha: Noises over here, noises over there.
    9:15 Sasha: Have you tired yourself out yet? You're my baby (zayka), you're my sweetheart…are you a little tired, yes? Take a break, ok? The bottle won't run away, I promise. I'll keep an eye on it for you. Messi knocks over the full bottle. Sasha: We had an agreement not to touch that one! I'm saying we had an agreement, Messi! Masha! Masha from another room: What are you calling me for?
    10:00 Sasha: Use your paws to catch it – you don't use teeth to catch plastic bottles! Masha: Why are you being so silly? Messi grabs the bottle with his paws. Sasha: Now we're talking!
    Sasha: I'm gonna put it away, and you can have it again in the evening! Messi knocks over the bottle from the counter. Sasha: Can someone tell me what is happening? Speaks for Messi: If I can't have this one, I'll get that one. To Messi: Ok, come and get your bottle.
    Happy Thursday or Friday, lovely global community! Hope all of you are well! 🙏💕🙇‍♀️🐾 Away this weekend, but back to my duties next week 🐯💗

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