b1t crazy game 75% HS! 🥵 CSGO b1t POV - voxelo.us

b1t crazy game 75% HS! 🥵 CSGO b1t POV

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b1t pov b1t aim hs frags demo highlights ft all frags csgo pro demo faceit pov match. POV demo highlights ft b1t frags in public faceit game with his cs settings – B1t csgo fpl match 2023 – mirage #csgo #csgoclips #pov #faceit #counterstrikeglobaloffensive #b1t #navicsgo #natusvincere #b1tcsgo #mirage #cs

Valerii Vakhovskyi (formerly styled as B1T and B1t) is Ukrainian born January 5, 2003. Professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player for Natus Vincere.

DPI 400 // Sensitivity 1.42 // eDPI 568 // Zoom Sensitivity 1
Viewmodel FOV 68 // Offset X 2.5 // Offset Y 0 // Offset Z -1.5 // Presetpos 3
Resolution: 1280×960 // Aspect Ratio: 4:3 // Scaling Mode: Stretched

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• csgo pro pov demos
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I hope you will like simple produced highlights of random pro player demos in faceit or pro games with their settings (resolution, crosshair, viewmodel) ! You will discover unseen frags and moments by pro players / semi-pros insane players in high faceit elo :D! Leave a LIKE / comment and subscribe for future ! Make sure to also let me know what player you would want to see more 😉