Bathroom Escape Walkthrough [IsoTronic CrazyGames] -

Bathroom Escape Walkthrough [IsoTronic CrazyGames]

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Bathroom Escape Walkthrough [IsoTronic]

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  1. I think there is a flaw in the game. I can´t see in the window the triangle, octogon, square and diamond. Only appears the numbers and the $ % & @

  2. Hey , you have to turn on the shower first and open the window, also I fixed the trash

  3. trash password doesn't work. how could i solve😰

  4. My $ % & @ is in the reverse order on my trash lid, I am very lost…

  5. * Attention to those whose shapes are in a circle and you get arrows instead on the shower window *

    I just struggled so hard to understand how to solve it since none of the walkthroughs showed the version I had ( I guess? ) & i finally figured it out!

    – You obviously sync the shapes on the trashcan like the pattern under the sink first.
    – Then you see the pattern in the shower. I plugged in the number and symbol in the order displayed on the window with the shapes (plugging them in by clicking on the shape).
    – So for me, the 7& would link up with the circle on the bottom, then the 8% on the left with the square, 5$ on the right with the triangle, and 9@ on top with the diamond.

    Hope this helps with anyone struggling in the future like I did, I was so frustrated lol

  6. my numbers and symbols don't match up with what shown on the shower. instead of 5$ and 9@ the trash can aligned 5 with @ and 9 with $. im so close to crying rn

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