Crazy Gaming with Stimms! Quake 3 Arena – Custom Model Battle
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Please Read: I can’t believe I actually missed out the quake games in my gaming, I Bought The quake collection on steam yesterday and I have Really Enjoyed All the games, especially Quake 3 Arena, Immediately after playing it, i was amazed, and dashed over to for mods, and i got the following models:
Abe, Mudokons and Slig from Oddworld
Homer Simpson from the simpsons
Rayman from Rayman
Worm from Worms
Mario, Luigi and Wario from Super Mario
Johnny Bravo from Johnny Bravo
And they all had bot support, except Johny Bravo and the worm, here I am the worm.
This Game is amazing, so go ahead and buy it!
Also, I made a new Hamachi network, please check my channel for more.
PS: “These hands are registered as Lethal Weapons.” ๐